“You have to create your own luck. You have to be aware of the opportunities around you and take advantage of them.”

 -Bruce Lee

Is luck truly a phenomenon useful in describing improbable events or is it something we self-create?

Perhaps both are true.

 We are bodies of energetic vibration doing our things on this planet. With a population surpassing eight billion, there is a magnitude of energy flowing about.
As energy affects matter, one can assume there are a multitude of ways for you to become affected by change in situation. 
If we dug deeper and took on a study of those who were lottery winners or struck by tragedy, we may uncover a chain of events that led to the occurrence. Some may prove entirely unexplainable, yet something happened to bring the event to fruition. 
While I personally have come to staying open for the infinite possibilities of good things to manifest in my life, I also believe in taking the role of creator. 
We are born with a treasure trove of wildly effective resources within. Every single human has their own magic factory. It’s called imagination. Look around you to see the wonders of our creations. The very screen you are reading this on was once a tiny little seed growing in a fertile mind garden.
 As Mr. Lee says in the referenced quote, you have to be aware of the opportunities around you.
 I have found the clearest path for aligning with opportunity is first an inside job.
You have to believe that good fortune can and will be yours. You must develop self-confidence, emotional intelligence and the awareness and discipline to take intuitive action. In my younger years, I was blind to many opportunities as I hadn’t yet evolved enough to recognize them. Perhaps the opportunities that we think have passed us by simply weren't for that version of us.

You can learn how to create your own luck today.

Allow yourself playtime in your magic factory. Start envisioning the lucky version of you. The one that is a magnet to your heart’s desires. 

Try this on:

Grant yourself three wishes. Take to your journal and create what these are and how they will come to your reality. It doesn't matter if it sounds crazy. This is an exercise for you to develop your innate creativity.
As you elaborate on these wishes coming true, let yourself really feel into them. Pretend they’re happening now. Engage your senses. Touch, taste, see, hear, and smell the details. Can you feel the energy shifting in your body? Can you allow yourself an emotional response?
Sitting in this inspired energy, do you feel called to take a certain action? Your intuition may be speaking. Pay attention. 
For the rest of March (or whenever you're reading this), why not create a daily luck practice? Make a unique ritual for yourself or invite others to join you. What could happen in a month by tapping into your inner magic?

You won’t need a leprechaun or Blarney stone when you realize your own power.

And speaking of, I thought you might enjoy a bit of trivia regarding these characters of folklore.


Are leprechauns naughty?

While they’re known mischief makers and delight in shenanigans, they aren’t bad unless you mean them harm. They are sometimes confused with the clurichaun, a drunken nasty elf you wouldn't want as your party guest!

Where do they get their gold?

As a trade, they make and fix shoes for fairies. Apparently, the fairy world enjoys a healthy economy. They are also quite good at amassing found coins.

Do they have magical powers?

Yes, of course. Technically they are fairies. They are known to hold the power of granting wishes.

Can you catch one?

You can find instructions for setting leprechaun traps. Be warned, these wee creatures are highly intelligent and known to outsmart their captors. You don’t really want to mess with them.

Are they all little old men?

We know them as solitary individuals of the male gender. There are no findings of them having babies. They may come from eggs. Or perhaps they’ve always been. The mystery remains.

Odessa Christiana is a mindset coach, artist, and creator of Rebel Unicorn - a brand obsessed with helping entrepreneurs bring their dreams to life. After 12 incredible years in California, she’s happily living, dreaming, and creating in Tacoma, WA.
